Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs

Download a PDF of the club membership form from HERE, and return it to Keith Williams at the address shown, with your payment.

Annual club membership is £15 first claim, £10 second claim, and students and juniors can join for £5.

What do I get for my money ?

  • Club handbook (2020 edition HERE)
  • Access to an extensive summer club time trial program (the Oxonian CC website has more details: )
  • Affiliation to British Cycling, Wessex cyclo-x and Cycling Time Trials (and to Reading velodrome)

A common testing protocol for cyclists to define their training zones and gauge performance is with something called a ramp test. A ramp test will determine Maximal Aerobic Power (MAP) since the. We run a program of time trials throughout the Spring and Summer and organise a road race in April. We have riders regularly competing in time trials, road races and on the track. If your not interested in racing there are a few dedicated touring cyclists in the club. If you would like to organise a time trial, or need advice on organising a time trial, we are here to help. We have a dedicated site with all the information you need to host a sucessful time trialling event. Visit The Event Organisers Site. Train the right way and be confident on race day with software and apps for triathlon, cycling and running.

Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs Online

Club kit can be purchased from Impsport:

Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs

Time Trialing requires a combination of Strength Endurance and Lactate Threshold Training. In this article I discuss the type of workouts required to improve your time trial.

Strength Endurance Effort For Your Time Trial Training Program

To start your time trial training program ride a four to six weeks block of base training at E2 @ 100 rpm building to 150-350 km per week (depending on your event, grade and fitness). Combined with this training you want to also do strength endurance efforts of 2-5 mins reps in a big gear low cadence around 60-70 rpm either up hills or into head winds seated in your E3 zone. Its important to not go out too hard initially and to build up strength gradually over the 4-6 week period. Watch your knees while doing strength endurance training! You want to slowly build strength in your tendons and muscles over time. If you don’t you will cause yourself an injury!

If you have a good base and strength endurance then you can skip this first part and go onto the Lactate Threshold Training.

Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs

Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs 2019

Lactate Threshold Training For Your Time Trial Training Program

The next part of your time trial training program is to ride the next four to six week block after your base block focused on riding at your LTR (Lactate Threshold Rate). Do two of theses efforts described below a week with one strength endurance effort described above.

This is hard training but very rewarding. Ideally best done on a wind/home trainer or ergo.

Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs 2020

  • Perform a warm-up for 10 mins @ your E1 @ 100 rpm then increase the gear and ride at your E2 @ 100 rpm for another 10 mins.
  • Then increase the gear and ride at the low end of E3 @ 100 rpm for 5 mins finishing the last 30s to 1 min going flat out.
  • Recover for 5 mins @ 100 rpm in your REC zone.
  • This is the end of your warm up then put it in a bigger gear and ride at your LTR for 5 mins on then REC zone for 5 mins.
  • Do two sets of these. The idea is to build the duration and reps up to the expected time of your TT event.
  • Cool down is 10 mins in your REC zone @ 100 rpm.

Free Download British Cycling Records Time Trial Programs Free

Plus off the bike Functional Strength Training two to three times a week- Matt Brindle Power-Up Functional Strength Training available in our Premium Members Area.

When you go to race, perform the same warm up as you have done in the training above. Make sure that you time it so that you arrive at the start line within the five mins after you have completed your warm up.