Prayers And Gracesoutlander Lists  & Timelines

Wondering how to improve your prayer life? Writing prayer lists, prayer requests and doing written prayers can help your prayers become organized and focused.

Christian Prayers. Whether they are traditional and familiar, or distinct and contemporary, prayers are therapy for the soul, a source of comfort and inspiration during both good times and bad. The Author's Earnest Cry and Prayer - Claire tells Jamie the line  'Freedom and whisky gang tegither'  from Robbie Burn's poem The Author's Earnest Cry and Prayer. The actual line is 'Freedom an’ whisky gang thegither!' (DIA, chapter 24). On the single bead just above the cross, pray the 'Our Father.' This and all prayers of the rosary are meditative prayers. The next cluster has 3 beads. The 'Hail Mary' prayer is said on these three beads. You pray the 3 Hail Marys while meditating on the three divine virtues of faith, hope, and love/charity. Aug 16, 2020 - Explore Ann P's board 'Prayers and Christian Quotes', followed by 301 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about prayers, christian quotes, quotes. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our constant companion. As you craft prayers for your local context, other needs to be named might include: Hospitals, nursing homes, other health care facilities The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The World Health Organization Medical researchers and scientists Schools.

One of my goals as we began the new year was to improve my prayer life. To be a better pray-er. I didn’t want to just say prayers. I didn’t want to keep saying the same things over and over. I wanted to be better at praying.

Step 1: Ask God to teach you how to pray

As I began to pray, Lord, teach me to pray, the Lord began to answer that prayer by guiding me to a few ways to improve my prayer life. One of the ways my prayer life has improved is a very simple variation on something I had done previously: write it down.

Step 2: Ask God to show you a practical way to help remember everything you want to pray for.

When I was looking for ways to improve my prayer life, I was reminded of how my mother was a list maker. And even though, as a child, I often rolled my eyes and made fun of her lists, I am a list maker, too. Mother made lists on scrap pieces of paper and on the back of used envelopes. (Perhaps she was one of the original recyclers!) I remember that grocery lists were usually on those envelopes. But the list I remember most is the one in her purse, where there was always a very small spiral notebook filled with various lists. That notebook had lists of things that needed to be purchased, lists of things that needed to be done, and an on-going Christmas gift list.

Even though I ridiculed those lists when I was younger, I now find them to be a necessary part of my life. Certainly one reason for all my lists is that they help me remember. Perhaps it’s a consequence of the busyness of life, or perhaps it’s a function of getting older, but I find it helpful to write things down so I don’t forget. Without my lists, I would surely forget something! Lists help me remember.

Prayers And Gracesoutlander Lists  & Timelines

Last spring, as we approached the Easter season, our pastor called our church into a 40-day period of prayer and fasting. It was at that time that I began to diligently keep an organized prayer list. Previously I had a small notebook in my purse (just like my mother) where I jotted down names and situations I needed to remember to pray about. I had jotted down requests on the Sunday bulletin each week as requests were shared, or I scribbled prayer reminders on whatever scrap of paper was handy. Of course, the bulletins and the scraps of paper were often misplaced or thrown away by mistake, so this was not a very satisfactory way to keep a prayer list!

Prayers And Graces Outlander Lists Cast

As we began the 40 days of prayer and fasting, I looked for some way to be better organized in this matter of my prayer list. After a bit of trial and error, I came upon a simple prayer journal in our local Christian bookstore. This spiral-bound journal, called simply My Prayer Journal (published by Barbour Publishing) was perfect!

My Prayer Journal contains two pages for each day, divided into four sections: new prayer requests, ongoing prayer requests, answers to prayer, and praises. There are enough pages in each journal for about two months. Of course, it isn’t necessary to purchase this particular journal; any spiral notebook would serve the same purpose. This particular journal gave me the jump-start I needed to keep my prayer life focused. It gave me a place to write things down. And the headings are general enough that I can customize my journal in whatever way suits me best.

Step 3: Ask God to show you how writing can keep your prayers organized and focused.

Making a list helps me keep my prayers organized and focused.

Prayers And Gracesoutlander Lists  & Timelines

Lists keep me organized. Book stores are filled with books about the habits of successful people, and about time management, and about organization, and about priorities. The common thread in these books is list-making. If you were to read all these books (an impossible task!), you would discover that, in some way, each of them would recommend making a list of your daily tasks. Further, once the list is made, the items on the list need to be prioritized.

That’s true for the chief executive and for the secretary and for the homemaker and for the college student and for every other area of life. Making a list helps us stay organized. It helps us prioritize what needs doing, so that the most important things get done first.

We make lists to prioritize. And we make lists to help us focus. This is particularly true when it comes to our prayer life. Because we are so busy, and because there are so many needs about which we need to be praying, it’s easy to be overwhelmed and lose focus. Keeping a written prayer list is a way to overcome the distractions. It’s a way to help us remember.

In my prayer journal, the ongoing prayer requests section is often filled with names of people and situations that never seem to find a solution. For example, for most of this last year, one of my dearest friends was battling breast cancer, so her name was in that section every day. Some days it was because it was a chemo day; later, it was because it was a radiation day. Some days it was nothing specific; just knowing that she needed to be prayed for.

Step 4: When the list is long, trust God to guide you about which situations to focus on that day.

When the list is long, it can be overwhelming. It’s on those days that I read over the list and trust the Holy Spirit to guide me to the names and situations that need to be focused on for that particular day. Each day, I look at the previous days pages and review the situations. Has God already answered in a particular situation? Then I move that to today’s “answered prayer” section of my journal. If no answer has yet been received, the need is moved from yesterday’s page to today’s in the “ongoing” section, and I continue to pray about that need until I know the need has been met or until the Holy Spirit guides me to stop.

Step 5: Let your lists evolve.

Keeping this list of requests in my prayer journal is one way I write it down. Over time, what once was just a list of names has evolved into a journal. I have not always been a very consistent journaler, whether about prayer or about anything else, but as I have begun using a journal rather than just a list, I find my prayer life has improved.

My Prayer Journal, that simple spiral notebook I purchased at the local Christian bookstore, has been a great aid in my prayer life. In this journal I have an on-going list of prayer requests, those things I pray for on a daily basis. That list includes my family members, my mother-in-law with Alzheimer’s, my pastor, my church, the coming presidential election, and a host of other things.

I also have a section each day for new requests, those things I have become aware of over the previous twenty-four hours.

There’s a section to note answers to prayer as well. I write all these things down because writing helps me remember.

Keeping a list of requests in my prayer journal is one way I write it down.

Step 6: Write down Bible verses as prayers for others.

Prayers and graces outlander lists cast

Another way I write it down is to write out my prayers in my journal. Writing the prayers keeps me focused. Sometimes I write out my prayers in my own words; other times I write out passages of Scripture that I am praying. Ephesians 3:16-19 is one passage I have prayed for my sons since they were little boys, and that I continue to pray for them even now that they are grown men.

“…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:16-19 NASB)

That Christ would dwell in their hearts. That they would be able to comprehend the love Christ has for them. This is the desire of my heart for my sons and for my grandsons. And so I pray these verses back to the Father on their behalf.

Prayers And Graces Outlander Lists List

Often as I am reading my Bible each morning, a particular verse will seem hand-picked for a person or situation in my life. At those times, I stop and pray that verse. Often I write it in my journal.

Step 7: Write down an “I don’t know what to pray” prayer when you’re not sure what to pray.

And sometimes, as in the case of a mother-in-law with Alzheimer’s, I don’t really know how to pray. It’s at those times that I turn to another verse of Scripture.

I pray, Lord, I really don’t know what to say about this or even how to pray about it, but this is really a burden on my heart, and so I am casting that on You because Your Word tells me that I can “cast all my anxiety on You” (1 Peter 5:7 NASB). Thank You, Lord, that You hear and You understand and You care.

Prayers and gracesoutlander lists   & timelines 2017

Step 8: Use your written prayer records to help you identify and thank God for answers to prayer.

Writing the prayers in my journal helps me focus. It also helps me remember. Later, as I review the prayers in my journal, I am able to remember not only who I prayed for, but exactly what I prayed. Then I’m able to see more specifically how God answers my prayers.

Some days I spend time going back through my journal, reading all the ways God has answered my prayers and being reminded of His faithfulness. This has been such a blessing, and offers yet another opportunity for prayer; in this case, prayers of thanksgiving.

I can look back and see how I prayed for a good result from a friend’s medical tests and be encouraged when I see the way God answered. I can remember praying over my husband’s biopsy, praying no cancer would be found, and rejoicing all over again when I read the note in my journal that he is cancer-free. I read my prayers asking for our house to sell and celebrate God’s faithfulness when I recall just how beautifully well God answered those prayers.

Step 9: Reap the rewards of being a more confident, focused intercessor.

Life is busy. We are often distracted and forgetful and disorganized. This is true in our prayer lives as well. Writing it down is one tool to help us stay on task. To help us be better pray-ers. I have certainly found this to be true in my own prayer life.

Writing things down helps me focus. Writing helps me remember all God has done and all He is able to do. And writing reminds me to keep praying.

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Copyright Susan Feaster 2016. All rights reserved.

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There are times when life is so busy, we almost feel like we are in survival mode.

There are other times when our heart has been hurt, and we just don’t have the joy or energy to pray.

In times like these, we need quick, but powerful, prayers!

1. Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.

Prayers And Graces Outlander Lists 2019

I am sure Jesus could have looked at the man nailing Him to the cross and thought, “he knows perfectly well what he is doing!” We don’t know why people hurt us, but boy, they do sometimes, don’t they? This prayer is often not easy to say, but Our Lord showed us the way. You can now purchase this print as an instant download!

2. Lord, help me.

Sometimes, that is all we can muster up. It’s still a prayer, especially when we feel it deep on our heart. God hears you, ask Him for help.

3. Lord, open all the right doors and close all the wrong ones.

I got this one from Joel Olsteen. My husband and I prayed this prayer when we were discerning our adoption path (domestic v. international). The Lord slammed shut international doors and we chose domestic. I am still so thankful I heard this prayer suggested by him!

4. God, help me be who You want me to be and set the world on fire!

St. Catherine of Siena is credited with saying, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!” I have turned that quote into a prayer . . . a prayer I really love to say!

5. Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that whenever you feel distressed during the day, pray this prayer. She said that this prayer had never failed her. Her wisdom and life are a great example so it certainly can not hurt to take her advice!

6. Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace.

Sure, there is a longer version of this prayer, but this statement itself is quite a powerful petition. There are many times when we can feel ourselves reacting . . . that is the perfect time to stop and pray this prayer.

You can now purchase this printas an instant download!

7. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Catholic Exchange has a great article on the sign of the cross, in it the author notes:

” ‘. . . the sign is itself a prayer. If prayer, at its core, is “an uprising of the mind to God,” as St. John Damscene put it, then the Sign of the Cross assuredly qualifies. “No empty gesture, the sign of the cross is a potent prayer that engages the Holy Spirit as the divine advocate and agent of our successful Christian living,'”

See the whole article here: Catholic Exchange

You can now purchase this printas an instant download!

8. Thank you God for every breath I take.

Last summer I listened to Gianna Emmanuela talk about her faith as well as the faith of her mother, her father. I was blown away with the constant expression of gratitude she said her father had, even after the death of his wife and child. I thought, how can one always be so grateful??? When I asked Gianna Emanuela about that she simply, but firmly responded, “I thank God for every breath I take!” Read more about this incredible experience here: 5 Lessons I Learned from The Daughter of a Saint

9. Jesus, I love You.

I have a difficult time shutting my mind off and trying to listen. Today in adoration I prayed this short prayer over and over again in the hopes that I would quiet my mind and allow Our Lord to “rearrange some furniture in my brain”. I’ll let you know how that worked 😉

10. “Dear Loving God, I am very sorry for sinning” or “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Saint Therese’ said that for her, prayer as a “burst from my heart . . .” If you feel sorrow for a sin, tell the Lord simply. This is a great prayer! As Catholics, we have the opportunity and gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation which gives us a grace that no prayer alone can give, but until you get there, this prayer is a wonderful “burst of the heart”!
11. Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart with wisdom.

Knowing God’s will is not always easy or obvious. This prayer can lead us in the right direction.

Prayers And Graces Outlander Lists Printable

These short prayers are great to hang up on your mirror, use as a bookmark, put in your car and or hold in your wallet. Here is a printable made just for you! Print them out and cut each prayer strip to place in your spouse’s lunch bag, your own gym bag or anywhere that will remind you to just look up!

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